Friday, May 05, 2006


...Well, the shane look is gone. I am not really sure why I said "oh sure, we can go shorter" today, but I did. Its not as short as the last time I was here....shaved on the sides and platinum, but its still shorter than I expected.. It'll grow - and then I will be complaining again because it s too long...

ONE WEEK UNTIL I HIT US soil...ahh yes, then land of Bush's and loud tourists. Funny, here in Australia, they tell me that the US is "suggesting" to american's that we be a little more "culturally sensitive" when visiting overseas....uh yeah..ok.. and could we do aweay with the Bermuda shorts and black socks - oh..and about 50lbs too? sorry..don't want to upset mom, but man!~ we are a piece of work sometimes. Funny, I met some american's who have been living over here for 2 yrs - they thought (when they arrived) that the americans were they see - nope..we are just americans...

(sorry mom)

I have had two (yes - TWO) steaks since I have been in Oz..wonderful. Oh..and I have had two hangovers - but the two are not related. I forgot how much I missed steak. monday I go back to fish paste rice balls and Soba (not complaining about that), and starbucks.

And as ALWAYS - my Ritchey has been SUPER supreme!! we are off to ride to the Yarra Valley tomorrow.

I haven't taken photos would be like me taking photos of home. but maybe tomorrow - I am headed to the bar where I was still banned until a few friends here begged the barowner to let me in.. :) oy....


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