Thursday, March 30, 2006

so why are you here?

Ya know...I have no idea really why I would think anyone would want to read about what goes on in my little world...but at the same time, this is OH so much easier than trying to remember everyone's email all the time! Anyway -

what is this? well, as I sit on the 14th floor of my corporate office in Tokyo, it occurs to me that I have been around the world -and back. This time I was lucky enough to bring my bike and have been pedaling through Tokyo during the cherry blossom season. I can't really complain, even though two months from home at this time of year is not ideal...oh wait...its the rainy season in northen california -nevermind. But regardless of work, or play, I seem to always end up on some adventure. and this seems the easiest way to share it with you all.

Just some things to keep in mind if you should travel to Tokyo -
-cycling in rush hour is not the best place to start, unless you really have NO fear.
-cycling in rush hour does immediately build your crit skills
-even for someone who starts the day with a quad shot latte - there is enough serenity here to make me stop and enjoy.

And since photos take forever and a day to download, I thought I would just leave them here.

This is the entrance to the temple in Shinjuku park. the temple is up top - Shinjuku park is in the heart of Shinjuku and is across the street from my office.... Shinjuku is an area of Tokyo - much like Manhattan of NYC. Or for those of you used to Atlanta - Buckhead, but with more lights.

Now mind you..this is what it looks like around the temple right now.

And since my office is right across the street from all this, and my hotel is within walking distance, this is one of the best commutes ever (well, next to commuting from my bedroom to my office in the living room).

OK...its my first weekend here. I gotta go get on my bike.

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