yeah...something I really thought I would never do. triathlon..hell, half the time I don't spell it right - Secretly though? ever since I was a teenager i had a dark desire - I would try not to look at the Triathlons on TV, or read the magazines. I didn't want anyone to know. When I finally took the step and bought a magazine - still not wanting to admit to the world that I was "that way" - I hid it under books on cycling. I cleared the cache of my laptop because I didn't want anyone to know. Its not normal - this wanting to do 3 sports all in one day - one right after the other. I knew it. After moving to California, I was afraid there would be a proposition against it.
Being gay is a much easier lifestyle than admitting to this abomination...
Tiffney changed all this for me. and it was so easy to come out with her...i mean - I needed a way to cross train during the off season for Cyclocross...afterall, isn't EVERYTHING about 'cross season? I decided to start running to get better cardio - I was already swimming....and then one night over dinner- whilst staring at my peas, I think I said "honey - i think I may want to do a triathlon" - glancing over at her with one eye, while still trying to stab peas with my fork, I saw a smile come to her face. She wasn't completely taken aback..she welcomed the idea - and so it was...
telling my cycling friends was another matter entirely. God! I stayed in the closet for months, telling Cathy "a friend of mine was asking about wetsuits"....but then - well, I finally rationalized that since my first Tri was an offroad tri (swim, mtn bike, trail run)- its not like regular tri I must be ok. ...and then I was a little better with telling people.
Obviously, I can't do anything of this magnitude without having Giana guide me along the way. Oy - she is such a forigiving soul..and able to deal with all the changes this Gemini can produce. She patiently listen to me ramble, then put together a training schedule that fit me perfect -and even gave me room for the umpteen changes i would inevitably make.
Race day finally got here, and I was thrilled (no really) to get up at 3:45 a.m.. Did all the prep the day before (Mia was my coach as I practiced the transition areas the day before). Got the coffee, got in the car and headed out. I knew it would be a good day.
After checking in, getting my body marked, and my TA (that's tri speak for transition area) space, I finally pulled the wetsuit on for the acclimation to the water. The 50m walk to the water on that "pebble sand" was harsh. the water, however, was much MORE harsh. a balmy 56deg. I got in..and the moment I felt the water trickle down my back from my neck to by butt crack..I knew there was no turning around.
The official gave the 10 min call...and my stomach took it to mean it was time to growl! no time for food - shit. I forgot my preswim Gu..oh well..just deal for now.
I am not sure WHY all the mass start bike racing strategy seemed to leave my mind when we lined up...WHY did I start in the middle of the pack? WHY didn't I line up to the outside, or inside? Why did I think it was oh so much better to line with the guys who are head butting each other while we are waiting for the start? awesome Ren..perfect.
So we are off...and suddenly its real...we run into the water, and I start swimming...(note to self - smoke colored goggles do no good in the sunrise sun..can't see a damn thing)..."just keep swiming" I told myself in a Dory sort of way - out of no where, some guy bitch slaps me from the right ...well - maybe not meaning to be a bitch slap, but i was not expecting it-and I had to re-situate my goggles.. Then, some guy gets in front of me (again, I am not sure where he came from), and just kicks me in the face. even better, as I am recovering from that, some guy swims over me.. ENOUGH - i think to myself,and I slow up and let everyone pass.
As I finally start to swim again, I can't get air in my lungs. Either cold shock, or panic - not sure which..but one of the two of them have taken my lung capacity. I raise my hand for a kayak - "I can't do this" I tell myself. What was I thinking? I am a bike racer - not soem fit tri-geek who can swim in this water and be warm? I can't pee in my wetsuit! why am I even out here... - all those things I used to tell myself when I was a bike racer. The difference was - back in my roadie days, the negative usually won. now, I am a singlespeeder and I dont' quit. Plus, I knew if I stopped now, I would be in the same spot the next time I tried a TRI..and I knew there would be a next time.
So, I held onto the Kayak, got my bearings and went again. Another kayaker paddled next to me so I wouldn't be alone. it was ok...I thought I was a swimmer until today..give me lanes, and warmer water with no chop..and that was the swimmer I was. but today was about finishing, and that is what I did.
After getting out of the water and walking (psuedo running) to the TA, I did all the right things, and got on the bike..oh thank trusty steed..I had won a mtn bike race on this course. Iwas good to go. the bike leg reminded me that I Was an athlete, and that it just takes practice. after completing the bike leg and coming into the TA, I was able to pull the 'cross dismount, ride on one side of the bike on my way to my spot. I was totally stoked about that...
.....but then it was time to run - well hell - there went my happy place. and - for the first time ever in my athletic career - I had to pee while in the middle of a race - holding it while running is not the most pleasant experience. I need to rework my pre-race fluid intake....
running..still overrated - and still painful. I ran some, walked some...and in general kept wondering when the damn run portion would be over. those people I passed on the bike passed me on the run, and kept telling me "good job - almost done"..yeah right.. what ever - then I remembered - I had said the same thing to them when I passed them on the bike.
All in all, my goal for today was really simple... I just needed to finish. and that I did. a whopping 2:38:17...many minutes slower (like 30) than the fastest in my category..and 41 slower than the target..but that's ok. I am a bike racer trying to become a triathlete... I have a ways to go.
and the next one can't get here soon enough...